
Mellanox (now NVIDIA)

Mellanox participates in SIPHO–G through the Advanced Technologies group, consisting of more than 20 engineers and senior/principal engineers. The group has broad experience in the development and characterization of cutting edge transceiver prototypes (from proof-of-concept to pre-commercial level) within the context of internal Mellanox projects, as well as national and… Read More

Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA (TEI)

In the SIPHO-G project, TEI is involved in WP5 in definition of requirements and specifications of the demonstrators and in the demonstrator’s design and characterization. TEI is also leading WP6 (Dissemination and Exploitation).… Read More


AMBEL leads the epitaxial growth activities (WP3) and develops the sequential epitaxial layered multi stack (QCSE) in the silicon photonics platform. AMBEL participates also in the silicon photonics building block and platform integration activities (WP4).… Read More

Globalfoundries (GF)

GF will be responsible for the following tasks:● Design of required electronic circuits to build demonstrator described in WP5 work package in two phases.● In phase 1, Simulation and design of 56Gb/s NRZ driver for Electro absorption modulator and transimpedance amplifier with sufficient bandwidth to support 56Gb/s transmission.● In the… Read More